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  • Eyebrows Top & Bottom
  • Upper lip
  • Lower lip
  • Chin
  • Forehead
  • Mono Brow
  • Sides
  • Cheeks
  • Full Face
  • Neck
  • Eyebrows + Upperlip
  • Eyebrows + Chin
  • Eyebrows + Upperlip + Chin
  • Eyebrows + Upperlip + Lowelip
  • Eyebrows + Upperlip + Chin + Lowerlip
  • Men’s Eyebrows shaping


  • Eyebrows
  • Eyelash
  • Eyebrows + Eyelash
  • Men’s Eyebrows
  • Men’s Eyelashs
  • Men’s Eyebrows + Eyelash


Henna brows are a semi-permanent eyebrow tinting technique that uses henna dye to color the eyebrows and create a defined and fuller look. Unlike traditional eyebrow tinting, which uses synthetic dyes, henna is a natural plant-based dye that can provide a longer-lasting result. The henna is mixed into a paste and applied to the eyebrow hairs and skin, allowing it to develop and leave behind a rich, long-lasting color


A lash lift or perming treatment involves using specially formulated solutions to alter the shape and texture of natural eyelashes. It is designed to create a semi-permanent curl that gives the lashes a lifted and more open appearance, making the eyes appear larger and more expressive. Unlike eyelash extensions that involve attaching artificial lashes, a lash lift works with your natural lashes.


  • Bleach – Lip Bleach
  • Bleach – Face Bleach
  • Bleach – Neck Bleach
  • Bleach – Back Bleach
  • Bleach – Arm Bleach


  • Waxing Eyebrows
  • Waxing Upper lip
  • Waxing Lower lip
  • Waxing Chin
  • Waxing Forehead
  • Waxing Mono Brow
  • Waxing Sides
  • Waxing Cheeks
  • Waxing Full Face
  • Waxing Neck
  • Waxing Ears
  • Waxing Nose
  • Waxing Underarms
  • Waxing Full Back
  • Waxing Half Arms
  • Waxing ³⁄ Arms
  • Waxing Full Arms
  • Waxing Half Legs
  • Waxing ³⁄ Legs
  • Waxing Full Legs
  • Waxing Bikini Tidy
  • Waxing Bikini High Cut
  • Waxing Brazilian First Time
  • Waxing Brazilian Maintenance
  • Full Body Waxing
  • Men’s Chest or Back
  • Men’s Shoulder
  • Men’s Arms
  • Men’s Half Legs
  • Men’s ³⁄ Legs


Face massage, often referred to as facial massage or facial reflexology, is a therapeutic practice that involves the manual manipulation of the facial muscles and skin to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and enhance the overall health and appearance of the skin. It offers various benefits, both in terms of beauty and relaxation.

Face massage can be a soothing and effective addition to your skincare routine. It’s not only relaxing but also offers potential benefits for skin health and overall well-being.


  • Children’s Simple Designs
  • Adult’s Simple Designs
  • Adult’s Complex Designs


  • Platinum Eyes
  • Platinum Brows
  • Platinum Lash
  • Platinum Lips
  • Platinum Perm
  • Platinum Henna Brows
  • Platinum Waxing
  • Platinum Waxing
  • Platinum Waxing
  • Platinum Men’s


  • Fruit Facial
  • Haldi Facial
  • Pappaya Facial
  • Gold Facial
  • Platinum Facial
  • Diamond Facial
  • Derma Glare Facial
  • Tan Eraser Facial

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